سیروان باران

Serwan Baran 



Born in Baghdad 1968.
Graduated from Babel University in fine arts.
A member of AIAP.
A member of Iraqi Fine Art Association.
A member of the national Art Association.

Serwan Baran grew up in Baghdad. He received a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Babylon, and moved to Amman during the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Since 2013, Baran has been living and working in Beirut. He has had solo exhibitions at Nabad Art Gallery in Amman (2013), Matisse Art Gallery in Marrakech (2013), among other galleries Amman, Damascus, Tokyo, and various Iraqi cities. He has participated in the Cairo Biennale in 1999, Al-Kharafi Biennial in Kuwait in 2011, and the fourth Marrakech Biennale in 2012. He has also participated in group exhibitions in Aleppo, Amman, Baghdad, and Doha. Most recently, his work was included in the 2018 exhibition “Face Value: Portraiture (A Gallerist’s Personal Collection)” at Saleh Barakat Gallery. Baran is a member of several artist associations including, the International Association of Art, the Iraqi Fine Artists Association and the International Network for Contemporary Iraqi Artists.








Born in 1952 in AI-Hasaka, Tel Naief/ Syria. Worked as a graphic artist for the Syrian Press, where he also wrote articles on Artistic Criticism. Settled in Vienna since 1978 and now holds the Austrian Nationality. Member of the General Federation of Austrian Artists and the UNESCO. Member of the Künstlerhaus, Vienna. His works are acquired by art collectors and dealers, art galleries and exhibitions, museums, banks and Ministries of Culture, in addition to a large number of private property acquisitions in America, Canada, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Japan, Russia and Emirates. Malva Omar Hamdi




 بەھرام حاجۆ

 Bahram Hajo



Bahram Hajou is a Syrian-born German artist who received his education at The Fine Arts Academy in Dusseldorf and later graduated from the Art Academy Munster in Germany in 1984. His art is revolves around a predominant theme of human loneliness, which he conveys through a series of symbols and recurring motifs such as faces, body postures, blank rooms, inaccessible towers, dilapidated homes and landscapes, all set against a background of subtle hues punctuated by bursts of color. His figures are depicted in a range of emotions, including love, fear, solitude, anxiety, understanding, freedom, and dependence. Some notable exhibitions of Bahram's art include:

2015 Galerie GNG, Paris.
2014 Galerie Ludwig Trossaert, Antwerp.
2014 Art House, Vienna.
2013 White Box Gallery, New York.
2013 Galerie GNG Gilles Naudine, Paris.
2012 Museum Contemporary Art, Bratislava.
2010 Aida Cherfan Fine Art Gallery, Beirut.
2009 Karim Gallery, Amman, Jordan.
2008 Hewar Art Gallery, Dubai.
2008 Kunsthandel Antonia V.Fraunberg, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2007 Green Art Gallery, Dubai.
2003 Museum Krakau, Poland.


 گارا ڕەسول 

Gara Rasul



 فایەق ڕەسول 

Fayaq Rasul 




 عەبدولا ڕەسول 

Abdullah Rasul


هونه‌رمه‌ند لە ساڵی 1952 له‌شاری ھەولێر  له‌دایكبووه‌  لەساڵی ە1975 - 1979 به‌كالۆریۆسی لە ئەکادیمیایی بەغدا ته‌واو كردووه‌ به‌ ا 

  لە ساڵی 1980 – 1979 مامۆستابووه‌ له‌ قوتابخانه‌ی ناوه‌ندی شه‌قلاوه‌   

 لەساڵی1980- 1986 ده‌سته‌ی دامه‌زێنه‌ری  په‌یمانگای هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری  بووه‌ ، هه‌روه‌ها بۆوە بە  مامۆستاو سه‌رۆكی  لقی وێنه‌كێشان ه‌ 

ساڵی1986 وڵاتی به‌ جێ هێشت  و پاش تێپه‌ربوون به‌  قۆناغی ئێران و سوریا  له‌ ساڵی 1989 لە.وڵاتی بەریتانیا شاری لەندەن جێگیر بووه‌ ا  

ساڵانی  1989 - 2005  ژیاوه‌ له‌ له‌ نده‌ن وه‌ك په‌ناهه‌نده‌ ، كاری هونه‌ری ، (ئلسترێشن و مۆتیڤ )وانه‌ی هونه‌ریشی گۆتۆته‌وه‌ 

ساڵی 1995 ره‌گه‌ز نامه‌ی به‌ریتانی وه‌رگرتووه‌  و 1997 بروانامه‌ی وانه‌بێژی به‌ده‌ست هێناوه‌ له‌ 

(City & Guilds London Institute)

ساڵی  1997 وانه‌ی  وتۆته‌وه‌ له‌ 

(Cordwainers College of Art & Design)

ساڵی 2006  بووە بە  مامۆستای وێنه‌كێشانه‌  له‌ كۆلێژی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی  هه‌ولێر 

هونه‌رمه‌ند (عه‌بدوڵا ره‌سول)  1971- 2013  شه‌ش پێشانگای تایبه‌تی كردۆته‌وه‌، له‌  زۆر پێشانگا ھاوبەشەکاند ا به‌شداری كردوه‌ 



 قەرەنی جەمیل 

Karani Jamil 


هونه‌رمه‌ند قه‌ره‌نی جه‌میل له‌ساڵی ١٩٥٤ لە شاری هه‌ولێر له‌ دایكبووه‌ . بروانامه‌ی دبلۆمی له‌ په‌یمانگای هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌ كانی  به‌غدا به‌ ده‌ست هێناوه‌ ، كۆرسی یه‌ك ساڵه‌ی (لیتۆگراف)ی له‌ به‌رشلۆنه‌- ئیسپانیا ته‌واوكردووه‌. یه‌كه‌مین پیشانگه‌ی تایبه‌تی له‌هۆڵی (ئه‌یوبیه‌)ی شاری هه‌ولێركردۆته‌وه‌ . هه‌روه‌ها  دووه‌مین پیشانگه‌ی تایبه‌تی له‌هۆڵی (پرات دی لوجانێر) به‌رشلۆنه‌- ئیسپانیا.بووه‌،  سێیه‌مین پیشانگه‌ی تایبه‌ت له‌شاری ئه‌لمونێیه‌ر- ئیسپانیا.كردۆته‌وه‌ .  چواره‌مین پیشانگه‌ی تایبه‌ت له‌هۆڵی (ئه‌لحه‌نه‌ش) ڤالێنسیا- ئیسپانیا.  كردۆته‌وه‌ .  به‌شداری زیاتر لەچەندین پیشانگای هاوبه‌شداكردووه‌ له‌ (به‌غدا، هه‌ولێر، ئیتاڵیا، به‌رشلۆنه‌، ئه‌لمونێیكه‌ر، ڤالێنسیا، بڕۆكسل، كۆپنهاگن، هۆڵنده‌، پۆڵنیا).هه‌ره‌ها  سه‌رنوسه‌ر و دامەزێنەری گۆڤاری (شێوه‌كاری)بووە ه‌


Born in Erbil - Iraq in 1954
Completed the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad in 1976
1977- 1979- appointed a teacher.
Since 1969 he travelled to Italy, then in 1984 he travelled between Spain and the Netherlands until 2003.
2003- He returned to Kurdistan and appointed a professor at the Institute of Fine Arts in Erbil.
He founded a non-fiction art magazine named (Shivakari) and was its editor-in-chief for 8 years and then it closed down.
Lives and works in Erbil

Personal Galleries:

1976- A duo exhibition with the Turkman artist (Jamal Ibrahim Madad) in the Kurdish Culture Association Hall in Baghdad.
1977 - personal exhibition in Erbil, on the hall of the Ayubia school.
1984- Exhibition of lithographic works in Spain-Barcelona at Prat de Lujanes Hall
1987 - Exhibition in Granada Almunecae, caja rural
1989 - Exhibition in Granada café volter
1990 - Exhibition in Valencia, Galerie Hensh
2007- Comprehensive Exhibition, Erbil Media Hall
2008- Exhibition in Sulaimaniyah Sardam Gallery
2013-Archeology Exhibition of Time and Place, Erbil Media Hall.
2018 - Exhibition of the illusion of human and the illusion of civilization, Erbil Media Hall.
2019- Stilllife Exhibition, Erbil Media Hall
And a lot of group participation in Iraq and abroad (Poland, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Italy.... ).

The examiner in the works of the artist Karani Jamil, you will be amazed at the persistence of this artist in digging underground, a carcheologist who is often trying to find the valuable life machines and pulsating creatures, and the school, which this earth hides between its cavities and layers, and because he is very fond of the terrains and fossils of what nature painted and what the human beings left on the body of this soil, His colors became similar to her seeds, like that child who is still messing with the mud while in the most extreme states of unity, submissiveness and intensity of these holes and the terrain of virgin hills and what secrets and stories hide.



ئاراز تالیب 

Araz Taleeb 



نیاز بەیاتی 

Niaz Bayati



   ئیسماعیل خەیات 

Ismail Khayat



ساڵی 1944 له‌ شاری خانەقین  له‌دایك بووه‌ و ساڵی 1966 خانه‌ی مامۆستایان  له‌به‌عقوبه‌ ته‌واوكردووه‌ ،  له‌و ساڵه‌وه‌ تاساڵی 2008 چەندین پێشانگای تایبه‌تی خۆی لە له‌شاره‌كانی كوردستان و عێراق کردۆتەوە وه‌ك   سلێمانی  و دهۆك و هه‌ولێرو كه‌ركووك و  خانه‌قین و به‌غداد ھەروەھا له‌ده‌ره‌وه‌ی كوردستانیش وه‌ك ئینگلته‌را و    نه‌رویج و فه‌ره‌نساو ئه‌مریكاو به‌لجیكاو  ئه‌ردن ، له‌ساڵی 1965 تا 2008به‌ژداری له‌ژماره‌یه‌كی  پێشانگای هاوبه‌ش كردووه‌ له‌ناوخۆ و ده‌ره‌وه‌ی ،له‌ساڵی 1967 تا 2007  سه‌رپه‌رشتیاری هونه‌ری  بووه‌ له‌چالاكی قوتابخانه‌كانی سلێمانی و به‌رێوه‌به‌ری هونه‌ری شێوه‌كاری بووه‌ له‌وه‌زاره‌تی رۆشنبیری  حكومه‌تی هه‌رێمی كوردستان له‌هه‌ولێرو سلێمانی ، ساڵی 2004 خه‌ڵاتی داهێنانی حكومه‌تی هه‌رێمی  كوردستانی پێ به‌خشراوه‌ ، ئه‌ندامی كۆمه‌ڵه‌ی شێوه‌كارانی جیهان و شێوه‌كارانی عێراق بوون.


  حەمید جەمال 

 Hamid Jamal 



 ئازاد نانەکەلی 

Azad Nanakaly



1983 Diploma in Lithographic Arts, International School of Graphic Arts Il Bisonte, Florence - Italy
1979 Degree from the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence - Italy
1975 Degree from the Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad - Iraq
2013 Un mare d’inchiostro, Galleria del Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence - Italy
2012 Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna, Brindisi-Italia
  Serdem Gallery, Sulaimaniya - Kurdistan, Iraq
  Media Gallery, Arbil - Kurdistan, Iraq
  Barocco Austero - Presenze nel nostro tempo, Museo Regionale del Barocco, Noto - Italy
2011 Mare di Cinema Arabi, Fondazione Horcynus Orca, Messina - Italy
  Wounded Water, Pavilion of Iraq, 54° Venice Biennale, Venice - Italy
  Antiche Cucine dell'ex Monastero dei Benedettini, Catania - Italy
2010 Visioni Irachena, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence - Italy
  The Berlin Wall, Media Art - Petro Marko Theater, Valona - Albania
  Illumination, Installation performance, Studio Azad, Florence - Italy
2009 Planet-K, 53° Venice Biennale, Venice - Italia
  Homage to Kamel Shiaa Abdullah, Bozar, Bruxelles - Belgium
2008 Istanbul Art Fair, Istanbul - Turkey
2006 Poetronica, Cinema Teatro Moderno, Lastra a Signa, Florence - Italy
2005 La mossa delle idee, Videodays 2, Sala Santa Rita, Rome - Italy
2004 Tracce Fuoricentro live, Fuoricentro, Livorno - Italy
  La mossa delle idee, Videodays, Cinema Alfieri Atelier, Florence - Italy
  Cinema Spazio Uno, Florence - Italy
2003 Outlook, National Museum, Crakow - Polland
2002 Grenzenlos, Volkshalle im Wiener Rathaus, Wine - Austria
2001 Wayfarer, Meier Gallery Arth a/see - Swiss
1999 Borup Hoiskole Kunstzentrum, Kopenhagen - Denmark
1998 Stefanini Gallery, Florence - Italy
  Pilonova Gallery, Ajdovscina - Slovenia
1997 Dovorni Trg, Ljubljana - Slovenia
1996 Under anden himmel, Il Salone Gallery, Kopenhagen - Danmark
  Duca Gallery, Vipava - Slovenia
  Eclisse Gallery, Locarno - Swiss
  Planque Gallery, Lausanne - Swiss
1994 L'Escale Gallery, Bruselss - Belgium
  De Muzerije Art Center, Hertogenbosch - Holland
  Artforum Gallery, Wine - Austria
1993 Kufa,Gallery, London - U.K.
  D.E.A Gallery, Florence - Italy
  Artforum Gallery, Wine - Austria
1992 Kunstlerhaus Gallery, Graz - Austria
  Cultural Center activity, S. Silvestro, Osimo - Italy
  Town Art Center, Trento - Italy
  Town Art Center, Rozzano - Italy
  Artforum Gallery, Wine - Austria
1991 Meeting for the peace, Rimini - Italy
  Salone espositivo Antonio Gramsci, Milan - Italy
   L'Artista che non esiste, Palazzo Valentini, Rome - Italy
  Institute of education, London - U.K.
  La Soffitta Gallery, Sesto Fiorentino - Italy
1988 Civic Gallery of Modern Art, Plazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara - Italy
  Central Cultural, Ortisei - Italy
1981 Palagio Parte Guelra, Florence - Italy
  Palazzo Ca' Giustignan, Venice - Italy
1979 Drawing on Paper, Tunisi - Tunisia
  Palazzo Strozzi, International Room, Florence - Italy
1974 Festival of the Kurdish Art, Baghdad - Iraq


 ئازاد کەریم 

Azad Karim 



 وەلید ستی 

Walid Siti

Walid Siti was born in 1954, in the city of Duhok, in Iraqi-Kurdistan. After graduating in 1976 from the Institute of Fine arts in Baghdad, Siti left Iraq to continue his arts education in Ljubljana, Slovenia before seeking political asylum in 1984 in the United Kingdom where he lives and works.

Formerly trained in printmaking, Siti works extensively in a variety of mediums including video, installation, 3D works, work on paper and painting. His works traverse a complex terrain of memory and loss, while at the same time offering an acute insight into a world, which for him has been a place of constant change. The narrative of Siti’s experience, of a life lived far from but still deeply emotionally connected to the place of one’s birth, is one he shares with many exiles; he takes inspiration from the cultural heritage of his native land that is crisscrossed with militarized borders and waves of migration. The artist’s work considers the tensions between collective identity, interdependence and the constraints placed on the individual by themes of heritage, tradition, homes, borders, mobility and migration.


Siti’s work has been exhibited internationally, at Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, at the Imperial war Museum, London, at Institut des Cultures d’Islam, Paris, at the Sharjah Biennial with prize award, and at the Venice Biennale, 2009, 2011,2015. Yinchuan Contemporary Art Museum, China(MOCA), “Systems and Patterns”, International Centre of Graphics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Bruges Triennial, Belgium.

His work is in notable international collections such as The Metropolitan Museum, New York; The British Museum, London; The Imperial War Museum, London; The Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE; The National Gallery of Amman, Jordan; The World Bank, Washington, D.C.; Victoria & Albert Museum, London; The Iraq Memory Foundation, Art for American Embassy program, USA; Museum of contemporary Art, Krakow and the Barjeel Art Foundation, UAE and Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art.

Solo Exhibitions
  • 2021 The Interweaving Flow, as part of Windows In commissions by Studio 3 Arts space, London 

  • 2021 Right to Climb, a public art installation at Tobacco Factory in Bristol

  • ​2020 Right to Climb, a public installation as part of the London Festival of Architecture's 2020 programme

  • 2017  The Black Tower, Zilberman Gallery, Berlin

  • 2015  New Babylon, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey

  • 2014  Re-Construction, Edge of Arabia, London, UK

  • 2014  Parallel Realms, Taymour Grahne Gallery, New York, USA

  • 2013  “Crossing” Amad Art Gallery, Diyarbakır, Turkey

  • 2011  Rose Issa Projects, London, UK

  • 2011  Erbil-Dubai: Chasing Utopia, XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE

  • 2011  Merg Gallery, Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2010  Sardem Gallery, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2010  Dohuk Gallery, Dohuk, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2009  XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE

  • 2008  Leighton House Museum, London, UK

  • 2004  Salman’s Gallery, Dohuk, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2002  Arcola Gallery, London, UK

  • 2001  Oriel Canfas, Cardiff, UK

  • 1998  Diorama Gallery, London, UK

  • 1996  Leighton House Museum, London, UK

  • 1992  Midland Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK

  • 1991  Galeria Insula, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1988  Recent Works on Paper, Matilda Gallery, Sheffield, UK

  • 1984  Labirint Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1983  Galerija Ulrich, Zagreb, Croatia

  • 2011  Rose Issa Projects, London, UK

  • 2011  Erbil-Dubai: Chasing Utopia, XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE

  • 2011  Merg Gallery, Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2010  Sardem Gallery, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2010  Dohuk Gallery, Dohuk, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2009  XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE

  • 2008  Leighton House Museum, London, UK

  • 2004  Salman’s Gallery, Dohuk, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2002  Arcola Gallery, London, UK

  • 2001  Oriel Canfas, Cardiff, UK

  • 1998  Diorama Gallery, London, UK

  • 1996  Leighton House Museum, London, UK

  • 1992  Midland Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK

  • 1991  Galeria Insula, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1988  Recent Works on Paper, Matilda Gallery, Sheffield, UK

  • 1984  Labirint Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1983  Galerija Ulrich, Zagreb, Croatia


Selected Group Exhibitions
  • 2021 The Immunity, Galerie der Kunstler, Munich, Germany

  • 2021 Frameless Drawing Exhibition, Duhok, Iraq 

  • 2021 Reflections contemporary art of the Middle East and North Africa, The British Museum

  • 2021 'Castles in Reality, History and Myth' online exhibition curated by Francesca Vanke, Senior Curator, Norwich Museums for Art UK

  • 2020 ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Kino in der KulturBrauerei in Berlin, Germany

  • 2020 Scorched Earth charity exhibition organised by the Migrate Art, Cork Street Galleries London

  • 2020 Time Complex, Yerevan Biennial, Digital Exhibition

  • 2020 MAY FLAMES PAVE WAY FOR YOU at Arsenal Gallery, Poland

  • 2020 When the Globe is Home at Gallery delle Prigioni in Treviso, Italy

  • 2020 21st Biennial of Art of Santa Cruz, Bolivia

  • 2020 Rencontres International Paris/Berlin 

  • 2020 When Globe Means Home: This Is Our Story, Gallerie delle Progioni, Treviso, Italy

  • 2019 Refuge and Renewal: Migration and British Art, Royal West Academy Gallery, Bristol, UK

  • 2019 Speaking Across Mountains: The Middle East Institute, Washington D.C., USA.

  • 2019 Impossible to Find, Latitude Gallery Art Space, Yerevan, Armenia

  • 2019 Maps of Control, Factory Gallery, Suliymania, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2019 History Is Not Here: Art and the Arab Imaginary, Minnesota Museum of American Art, Saint Paul, USA

  • 2019 1st. Public Art Duhok 2019, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2019 Hammams’ Maqam, 3rd Kurdistan Sound Art Exhibition, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq

  • 2018 Pay Attention Please!, Public Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • 2018 The Arrangements of the Soul in the Universe, Langen Foundation, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • 2018 Infinite Present: Revelations from Islamic Design in Contemporary Art, Cambridge Arts, Cambridge, USA

  • 2018 Age of Terror: Art since 9/11, The Imperial War Museum, London, UK

  • 2018 International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Yerevan, Armenia

  • 2018 Baghdad Mon Amour, Institute of Cultures of Islam (ICI) Paris, France

  • 2017 Tamawuj, the 13th Sharjah Biennale, Sharjah, UAE

  • 2017 House of Wisdom, Framer Framed, Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • 2016 Visions of War Above and Below, The Imperial War Museum, London, UK

  • 2016 Ultra Habitat, Zilberman Gallery, Berlin, Germany

  • 2016 Restrictions of the Earth, Karşı Sanat Çalışmaları, Istanbul, Turkey

  • 2016 Restrictions of the Earth, Hinterland Gallery, Vienna, Austria.

  • 2015 Arab Territories, Capital of Arab Culture 2015, Constantine, Algeria

  • 2015 Between East and West, Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Yinchuan, China

  • 2015 The Air of Earth, ArtBat Festival, Almaty, Kazakhstan

  • 2015 The Great Game, Pavilion of Iran, 56th Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy

  • 2015 Bruges Triennial, Belgium

  • 2014 The Seven Valleys, Rose Issa Projects, London, UK

  • 2013 In Dialogue, The Waterline Gallery, Manama, Bahrain

  • 2013 Iran Modern, Asia Society, New York, USA

  • 2013 Hajj: Journey to Mecca, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

  • 2012 Systems and Patterns, International Centre of Graphics, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 2012 Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam, British Museum, London, UK

  • 2012 Silent Revolution: Tallinn Drawing Triennial, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estonia

  • 2012 Echoes from Periphery, Palazzo Granafei Nervegna, Brindisi, Italy

  • 2011 Pavilion of Iraq, 54th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

  • 2011 Take Care of Yourself, Amed Art Gallery, Diyarbakır, Turkey

  • 2009 Taswir: Pictorial Mappings of Modernity and Islam, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany

  • 2009 PlanetK, Kurdish Collateral Event, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

  • 2009 Iraq’s Past Speaks to the Present, British Museum, London, UK

  • 2009 Modernism and Iraq, Miriam & Ira Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York, USA

  • 2008 Permanent Collection, Imperial War Museum, London, UK

  • 2008 Occupied Space 08, Art for Palestine, Qattan Foundation, London, UK

  • 2008 18th Istanbul International Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey

  • 2008 Space Now, The Triangle, London, UK

  • 2006 Word into Art, The British Museum, London, UK

  • 2004 Art Futures, Contemporary Arts Society, London, UK

  • 2004 Commemorating Serwat Anawr, The Museum Hall, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

  • 2003 Still Packing Suitcases, Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Florance, Italy

  • 2003 Outlook, The National Museum in Krakow, Poland

  • 2002 Kurdish Contemporary Art, The Historical Museum of The City of Vienna, Austria

  • 2002 10th Asian Art Biennale, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • 2001 5th Sharjah International Art Biennale, Sharjah, UAE

  • 2001 International Art Biennale Dialogue, St. Petersburg, Russia

  • 2000 Towards the Millennium, ArtSway gallery, Hampshire, UK

  • 2000 Galerie De Boog, Ijsselstein, Netherlands

  • 2000 Thing, The Garrett Centre, London, UK

  • 1999 The 9th International Biennale of Prints and Drawings, Taiwan, China

  • 1999 XIV Premio Internazional Biella Per L’incisione, Biella, Italy

  • 1999 Towards the Millennium, Artsway, Hampshire, UK

  • 1999 Pilonava Galeria, Ajdovščina, Slovenia

  • 1998 Cheltenham Open Drawing ’98 touring to Hall and Berlin, Germany

  • 1997 The 8th International Biennale of Prints and Drawings, Taiwan, China

  • 1996 10th International Exhibition of Graphic Art, Frechen, Germany

  • 1996 Contemporary Art Collection, Imperial War Museum, London, UK

  • 1996 Under Different Skies, Oksenhallen, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 1995 Graphic Constellation’95, Graz, Austria

  • 1994 Print Triennale’94, Consumenta 95, Nuremberg, Germany

  • 1994 International Print Triennale, Kraców, Poland

  • 1994 The Art Gallery Scarborough, UK

  • 1993 The First International Print Biennale, Maastricht, Netherlands

  • 1992 Strains of War, Greenwich Citizen Gallery, London, UK

  • 1992 Art for Fairer World, Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery, Glasgow, UK

  • 1991 Let Canvas Come to Life with Dark Faces, Castle Museum, Nottingham, UK

  • 1991 Picture Show, South Bank Centre, London, UK

  • 1991 The Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK

  • 1991 Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth, UK

  • 1990 Let Canvas Come to Life with Dark Faces, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry, UK

  • 1987 Print with a Point, Hard Time Gallery, Bristol, UK

  • 1986 Three Iraqi Artists, Kufa Gallery, London, UK

  • 1983 15th International Graphics Biennale, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1981 14th International Graphics Biennale, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • 1981 Iraqi Art in Exile, Plazzo di Parte Guelfa, Florence. Italy

Public Collections
  • The Metropolitan Museum, New York

  • Museum of Contemporary Art, Kraków, Poland 

  • Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah 

  • The British Museum, London 

  • Jameel Art Collection, UAE 

  • The Imperial War Museum, London 

  • The National Gallery of Amman, Jordan 

  • The World Bank, Washington, DC

  •  Victoria & Albert Museum, London 

  • The Iraq Memory Foundation

  •  Art for American Embassy program, USA

  • Barjeel Art Foundation, UAE

  • Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art





 باڵدین احمد

Baldin Ahmad 


Born:1954, Sulaymania, Iraqi Kurdistanlives and works in Utrecht, Holland

1974Graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad, Iraq1974-1976Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy1976-1979Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy1979Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy1979-1982studies of Modern Art (D.A.M.S) at the University of Bologna, Italy

2012Interart Gallery, Heeswijk-Dinther, Holland2011De Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, Holland2011Artlease Gallery, Utrecht, Holland2010Frederiek van der Vlist Gallery, Leiden, HollandVan Loon & Simons Gallery, Vught, Holland2009Terbeek Gallery, Groningen, HollandDe Compagnie Gallery, Dordrecht, Holland2008Van Loon & Simons Gallery, Vught, HollandL’Atlante dei luoghi immaginari, S. Vito dei Normanni, ItalyDe Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, Holland2007Van der Plas Gallery, Olst, HollandBakker Gallery, Wapserveen, Holland2006Terbeek Gallery, Groningen, HollandDe Compagnie Gallery, Dordrecht, Holland2005De Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, HollandBakker Gallery, Wapserveen , Holland2004Etienne & van Loon Gallery, Oisterwijk, HollandVan der Plas Gallery, Olst, HollandNijehove Gallery, Diepenheim, HollandHofstee Gallery, Schiedam, Holland2003De Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, HollandBakker Gallery, Wapserveen, HollandMolenaars Gallery, Breda, HollandK & B Gallery, Amsterdam-Sloten, Holland2001Fulcotheater, IJsselstein, HollandMolenaars Gallery, Breda, Holland2000Mia Joosten Gallery, Amsterdam, HollandBakker Gallery, Wapserveen, Holland1999Witt Gallery, Dordrecht, Holland1998Marijke Raaijmakers Gallery, Grubbenvorst, HollandAnderwereld-Katuin Gallery, Groningen, HollandForte Gallery, Lent, Holland1997Witt Gallery, Dordrecht, Holland1996Nijehove Gallery, Diepenheim, Holland1995Witt Gallery, Dordrecht, HollandDe Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, Holland1994Anderwereld Gallery, Groningen, HollandArt Options Gallery, Wijk bij Duurstede, HollandHolland Art Fair Utrecht - Art Options, Utrecht, Holland1993Kunst Centrum Heerenveen, Heerenveen, HollandWitt Gallery, Dordrecht, HollandInterart Gallery, Heeswijk-Dinther, HollandLangenberg Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland1992Tammouz Gallery, Brussel, BelgiumDe Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, HollandDe Boog Gallery, IJsselstein, HollandXenia Gallery, Overasselt Gld., Holland1991Langenberg Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland1984Aleph Art Gallery, Milano, Italy1980Communal Gallery, Pesaro, ItalyValentino Hal Teatro Nuovo, Torino, Italy1979Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, ItalyLe Colonnine Gallery, Florence, Italy1978Teorema Gallery, Florence, Italy1973University of Al-Mustansirriya, Baghdad, Iraq

201030 years Tij, Stadhuis Utrecht, Utrecht, Holland200953th Venice Biennale, “Planet-K”, Venice, Italy2008Interart Gallery, Heeswijk Dinther, Holland2007Holland Art Fair, Utrecht, Holland2006Année Gallery, Haarlem, Holland2003Outlook, National Museum, Krakov, Polland2002Grenzelos, Volkshalle im Wiener Rathaus, Wine, AustriaDe Compagnie Gallery, Dordrecht, Holland2001KunstRAI - Mia Joosten Gallery, Amsterdam, HollandArt Twente – Kunstcentrum Zaandam, Hengelo2000KunstRAI - Mia Joosten Gallery, Amsterdam, HollandDe Boog Gallery (Baldin, Karani, Walid), IJsselstein, Holland1999Kurdish Art and Poetry, ”Dansk for Fatter Forening” Kopenhagen, DenmarkDe Boog Gallery (Baldin, Karani, Walid), IJsselstein, Holland1998Anderwereld-Katuin Gallery, Groningen, Holland1996KunstRAI Amsterdam - Witt Gallery, HollandPAN RAI Amsterdam - Marijke Raaijmakers Gallery, Holland1995Art Centre, Chateau de Buissière, Macon, FranceInterart Gallery, Heeswijk-Dinther, Holland1994Anderwereld Gallery, Groningen, Holland1993Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, Holland‘Iraqi artists‘, Kufa Gallery, London, UK1992Kurdish Artists, Palazzo Patrizi, municipality of Siena, ItalyKurdish Artists, Municipality hall, Graz, Austria1991Xenia Gallery, Overasselt Gld. , Holland1990Municipal library, S. Vito dei Normani, Brindisi, Italy1989“L’artista che non esiste”, Palazzo Valentini, Rome, Italy1986“Sette artisti Iracheni” Modern Art Gallery, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, Italy198315th International Biënnale of Grafic Art, Ljubljana, former YugoslaviaInternational Price of Biella, Italy1982Folkloristic Museum, Rome, ItalyIraqi artists, Municipality of Montreuil, Paris, France198114th International Biënnale of Grafic Art, Ljubljana, former Yugoslavia“Iraquian Art”, Palazzo Parte Guelfa, Florence, ItalyPalazzo Cà Giustinian, Venice, Italy1979‘Drawing on paper’, Tunis, TunisiaExhibition ‘Prima Tela‘, Montova, Italy1975‘Iraqi artists‘, la Giada Gallery, Rome, Italy1974Kurdish Art Festival, Artists Association, Baghdad, Iraq




نامیق حەمە 

Namiq Hama





دارا ئارام 

Dara Aram



عەونی سامی 

Awni Sami




 سەروەت سەوز 

Sarwat Sawz

هونه‌رمه‌ند (سه‌روه‌ت سه‌وز) ناوی‌ ته‌واوی‌ (سه‌روه‌ت ئه‌نوه‌‌ر سه‌وز)ه‌، له‌ساڵی (1954) له‌شاری سلێمانی له‌دایكبوه‌، له‌ماوه‌ی خوێندنی ناوه‌ندیدا به‌شداری چه‌ندین پێشانگه‌ی چالاكی قوتابخانه‌ی كردوه‌،
ساڵی (1970) له‌په‌یمانگه‌ی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی به‌غدا وه‌رگیراوه‌، له‌وێ‌ به‌شی گرافیكی به‌پله‌‌یه‌كی به‌رز ته‌واوكردوه‌، پاشان بۆ ماوه‌ی دوو ساڵ چۆته‌ ئه‌وروپاو دیسان گه‌ڕاوه‌ته‌وه‌ بۆ كوردستان.

سه‌روه‌ت سه‌وز یه‌كه‌م پێشانگه‌ی له‌زانكۆی سلێمانی به‌هاوبه‌شی چه‌ند هونه‌رمه‌ندێكی تر له‌ساڵی (1976)دا كردۆته‌وه‌، دوای ئه‌وه‌ چه‌ندین پێشانگه‌ی له‌شاره‌كانی (سلێمانی، هه‌ولێر، دهۆك، به‌غداو شاره‌كانی دیكه‌ی عێراق) كردۆته‌وه‌.

له‌ساڵی (1992)دا، سه‌وز له‌گه‌ڵ‌ هونه‌رمه‌ند (نامیق عه‌لی قادر) پێشانگه‌یه‌كیان له‌شاری پاریسی‌ پایته‌ختی‌ فه‌ره‌نسا كرده‌وه‌، ساڵی (1993)ش له‌سه‌ر بانگهێشتنی (فرانسوا میته‌ران)ی‌ كۆچكردو، پێشانگه‌یه‌كی هاوبه‌شی كرده‌وه‌ له‌گه‌ڵ‌ ژماره‌یه‌ك هونه‌رمه‌ندی كورد‌ له‌و وڵاته‌، له‌وڵاتانی دیكه‌ی وه‌ك (به‌ریتانیا، ئه‌ڵمانیاو ئیتاڵیا) پێشانگه‌ی تایبه‌ت‌و هاوبه‌شی‌ هه‌بوه‌، چه‌ندین پێشانگه‌ی هاوبه‌شیشی‌ له‌گه‌ڵ هونه‌رمه‌ند (سامان كه‌ریم) كردۆته‌وه‌.

له‌ساڵانی‌ نه‌وه‌ده‌كاندا، سه‌روه‌ت سه‌وزی هونه‌رمه‌ند، بۆ ماوه‌ی چه‌ند ساڵێك له‌ڕێكخراوی مه‌گ دا كاری مین هه‌ڵگرتنه‌وه‌ی كردوه‌.
دواهه‌‌مین پێشانگه‌ی هاوبه‌شی بۆ یادی ساڵڕۆژی شازده‌ی مانگی مارت بو، له‌ڕۆژی‌ (16/3/2004)دا هه‌ر له‌و ڕۆژه‌‌شدا بو كه‌ توشی‌ ڕوداوێكی‌ هاتوچۆ بو، ئۆتۆمبێلێك لێیداو به‌سه‌ختی برینداربو، له‌ڕۆژی‌ (28/3/2004) واته‌ (12) ڕۆژ دوای‌ تووشبوونی‌ به‌وكاره‌ساته‌و برینداربونی‌، له‌نه‌خۆشخانه‌ی (جادری) له‌شاری به‌غدا، كاتژمێر پێنجی ئێواره‌ گیانی له‌ده‌ستداو به‌یه‌كجاری‌ ماڵئاوایی له‌هونه‌رو هونه‌ر دۆستان‌و

شه‌یدایانی‌ كاره‌كانی‌ كرد


 عوسمان احمد 

Osman Ahmed 



 سامان کەریم

 Saman Karim 



موحەمد سالح رۆستەم زادە 



موحه‌مه‌د ساڵح رۆسته‌م زاده‌(نامۆ)ساڵی ١٩٦٤ له‌ شاری بۆكانی رۆژهه‌لاتی كوردستان له‌ دایك بووه‌ . نامۆ زاده‌ به‌كالۆریۆسی له‌ به‌شی وێنه‌كێشان له‌ كۆلێژی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی تاران-به‌شی شیوه‌كاری  ١٩٨٨ -١٩٩٣ 

ماسسته‌ری وه‌رگرتووه‌  له‌ وێنه‌كێشان به‌پله‌ی نایاب له‌ كۆلێژی هونه‌ری زانكۆی ئازادی -تاران

مامۆستا له‌ كۆلیژی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری هه‌ولێر له‌به‌شی شێوه‌كاری

ئه‌ندامی كارای سه‌ندیكای هونه‌رمه‌ندانی كوردستان-هه‌ولیر

ئه‌ندامی فه‌خری ئه‌نجومه‌نی هونه‌رمه‌ندانی شێوه‌كارو په‌یكه‌رسازانی -تاران

پێشانگه‌ی تایبه‌تی

له‌ سالی ١٩٩٥ -٢٠٠٨ زیاتر له‌ پانزه‌ پێشانگه‌ی تایبه‌تی كردۆته‌وه‌ له‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌ و ناوه‌وه‌ی كوردستان تاران-سنه‌-بۆكان-سه‌قز-سلیمانی-هه‌ولێر

پیشانگه‌ی هاوبه‌شه‌كان

به‌شداری چه‌ندان پێشانگه‌ی هاوبه‌ش كردووه‌ هه‌ر له‌ ساڵی١٩٩٥ تا٢٠١١ 

چه‌ندین ئه‌زمون و چالاكی ئه‌نجام داوه‌ له‌ په‌روه‌رده‌و فێركردن



مەتحەت کاکەیی

Madhat  Kakei



 ئاشتی ئەدۆ 

 Ashti Addu



 سۆفیان جەلال

Sufien Jalal




وەھبی ڕەسول 

 Wahbi Rasul


وەهبی ڕەسووڵ ئەحمەد   لەساڵی 1963سلێمانی لە دایك بووە.ساڵی 1983  یەكەمین نوسین وووتاری لە بواری شێوەكاریدا بڵاوكردۆتەوە. ساڵی 1986  ئەكادیمیای هونەرەجوانەكانی بەغدا (بەشی شێوەكاریی ـ لقی نیگاركێشان)ی تەواو كردووە.پاشان له‌ساڵی 2008  بڕوانامەی ماستەری (كۆلێژی هونەر/زانكۆی سلێمانی) لەبواری نیگاركێشاندا بەدەستهێناوە.1982 ـ 2007 شەش پیشانگەی تایبەتی لە ناوەوەو دەرەوەی وڵات كردۆتەوە .

 خاوەنی ئەم كتێبە چاپكراوانەیە لە بواری شێوەكاریدا

 نیگاركێشان لە سەدەی بیستەمدا، شمیدت دیچینر، وەرگێڕان، دەزگای سەردەم 2002

هونەری ئەوروپی سەدەكانی ناوەڕاست‌و رێنیسانس، دەزگای سەردەم 2002

پەیڤەكانی رەنگ، ووتاری شێوەكاریی، دەزگای سەردەم، 2004

هونەری نیگاركێشان مێژوی لە كوردداو لە جیهاندا، تەكنیك، تەكنۆلۆژیا، وەزارەتی پەروەردە، 2003

واتا بینەییەكان خوێندنەوە لەسیستمەكانی نیگاركێشاندا، وتاری رەخنەیی، دەزگای سەردەم، 2008

بیرەوەری قوڕ، پرۆفیسۆر د.زوهێر صاحب، وەرگێڕان، لەژێر چاپدایە. 2008

ئەبستراكت ئێكسپرێشنیزم لە نیگاركێشانی كوردستانی باشوردا، نوسین و وەرگێڕان، خانەی وەرگێڕان،2010

التعبیریە التجریدیە فی الرسم المعاصر فی كوردستان العراق، دار سردم للگباعە والنشر،2010


 عەلی ھادی 

Ali Hadi 


1957 لە حەببانیە لە خێزانێكی كورد لە دایكبوە.
1982 لە ئەكادیمیای هونەرەجوانەكانی فلۆڕەنسا دەرچووە.
- دوای دیراسەكردنی ئەكادیمیا، وەك سەركێشییەكی كەسایەتی ، دەستیكردوە بە توێژینەوە لە بواری (هونەریی و ڕۆحیی)
1983ـ1991 لێكۆڵینەوە و كاركردنی لە بواری سۆفیزم و سیمۆلۆژیای وێنەدا كردوە.
2002 ـ 2009 ستودیوـ گالێری تایبەت بەخۆی هەبوە (Artali) لە شاری سان مالۆ، فەڕەنسا.
2010 بڕوانامەی ماستەر لە هونەری هاوچەرخ و میدیای نوێ‌/ پاریس.
2012 بڕوانامەی ماستەر لە هونەری هاوچەرخ (تیۆری و پراكتیزە) زانكۆی غێن دوو (Université Rennes2) فەڕەنسا.
2012 ماستەرنامە لە فەلسەفە، زانكۆی پاریس هەشت (University of Paris VIII) فەڕەنسا.
1977 ـ 2019 بەشداری زۆرێك لە پیشانگەی ناوەوە و دەرەوەی ووڵات (بە تایبەت فەڕەنسا)ی كردوە.
ئێستا مامۆستای وانەبێژە لە كۆلێژی هونەر ، زانكۆی سەلاحەدین


 یوسف سالح

Yousif Salih


هونەرمه‌ندی شێوەكاری كورد (یوسف موحه‌مه‌د صلاح ) ساڵی 1953له‌ شاری سلێمانی له‌ دایك بووه‌ .خوێندني سەره‌تايی و ناوەندی لە سليماني تەواو كردووە.ساڵی 1976دیبلۆمی( په‌یمانگه‌ی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی شاری به‌ غدا)ی ته‌واو كردوه‌ به‌ شی گرافیك. ساڵی 1980دیبلۆمی هونه‌ره‌ جوانه‌كانی فلۆره‌نسا.ئیتالیا . 1981 تا 1984 قوتابخانەی نيشتماني باڵای  هونەرە جوانەكان لە پاريس, فلۆره‌نسا, بەشي ليتوكرافي.لە 2000 تا 2003 دەورەيەی فێربوون و كاركردن لە سيرگرافي (ســکرین) لە زوريخ, سويسرا.لە سالَي 1975 ە وە  لە جەندين پێشانگای تايبەتي و به‌ كۆمەڵ بەشدار بووە, گرنكترينيان . 

1975  پێشانگه‌ی تایبه‌تی لە سسانەوی كجان ـ  سليماني

1980 پيَشانگه‌ی هونەرمەنداني كورد، شاري فينا ـ نةمسا

1983  پێشانگای هونەرمەنداني كورد، ئەنستيتوی كورد لە پاريس, فەرەنسا

پيشانگه‌ی هونەرمەندانی بيانيی لەهۆڵی رێكخراوی "سيماد" لە پاريس، وەرگرتني خەڵاتی یەکەمی  بۆستەر لەسەر بەنابەران.


- شەشەمين سالۆني هونەری شێوەكاری، مارن لو ڤالێ، فەرەنسا.- هۆڵی خانووي رادوێی فەرەنسا، باريس، فەرەنسا.- بيبلَس  گاليری، لەندەن، ئينكلتەرە.

1988  - ئەنيستيتوی كورد لە پاريس، فەرەنسا.- ديكسون گالێري،لەندەن، ئينكلتەرە.

1990  - هونەرمەندانی كورد،کۆشكی بۆليو،لـۆزان، سويسرا.

- بەشداری لە پێشانگای "ديمەنەكانی هونەر" KunstSzeneلە شاري زوريخ، سويسرا.

1994  - گاليری سايلەر، زوريخ، سويسرا.

    - خانووي هونەری ئوَرليكون، زوريخ, سويسرا.

1996  گاليري 17 ، ڤيدنسفيل، سويسرا.

1997  گاليري 17 ،ڤيدنسفيل، سويسرا.

1999  بيێشانگای تايبەت لە هولَی شانۆی شاري بادن، سويسرا.

2000  گاليری 17 ،ڤيندسفيل، سويسرا.

2001  پێشانگه‌ی تايبەت لە هوَلَي دەزگای "ئی كـۆنسولت" Econsultلە زوريخ، سويسرا.

2003  پێشانگه‌ی هونەری هاچەرخی كورد لە ئەوروپا،مۆزەخانەی نيشتيمانی لە شاری "كراكـۆفيا" پۆلۆنيا.

          بەشداريكردن لە پێشانگه‌ی "پرۆ فوگا" گەرەكی "بروناو" لە شاري زوريخ، سويسرا.

پێشانگه‌ی تايبەت لە هۆڵی بنكەی كومەڵايەتيگەڕەکی "ريزباخ" شاري زوريخ، سويسرا.

2004  خانووی هونەر لە شاري زوريخ، سويسرا.

2013 بەشداریکردن لە پێشانگه‌ی گرافیک لە هۆڵی مۆزەخانە، سلیمانی.

2014   بەشداریکردن لە پێشانگه‌ی ساڵانەی گەلەری زامـوا.

2015   بەشداریکردن لە پێشانگه‌ی ساڵانەی گەلەری زامـوا.

بەشداریکردن لە پێشانگه‌ی کوردستانی و نێونەتەوەیی لە ئامەد، باکووری کوردستان.

 احمد شریف

Ahmed Sharif



 حەمە ھاشم 

Hama Hashm



 سامی موئمین

 Sami Muemin



 سالار مەجید

Salar Majed



 نەھرۆ شەوقی 

Nahro Shawqi



 ڕوستەم ئاغالە

Rostam Aghala



 دەشتی جەنگی

Dashti Jangi 



 شکور سەعید

Shukr Saeed 




عەلی ڕەزا گەرمیانی 

Ali Raza Garmiany 

Born in 1980 Duzkurmatu town in. Kurdistan Iraq 




Artist statement


Visualizing traumatic memory of the clothing and belongings of the Kurdish victims of the Anfal genocide, who were buried in shallow mass graves in remote desert locations in the South of Iraq between 1987-1988. I have used sand to recreate environment of the event within texture in my work as it is related to the place of the genocide in the desert. There is a variation of works that I have created with using different elements and materials such as location (Site) which is related to the area were the genocide and atrocity occurred.  The impact of using clothing absent bodies in order to memorise the event in the pass and connected to the present, embodying through the skill of artistic works that I have created.

My current artistic work is about the traumatic memory of the Anfal genocide that occurred in 1988 in Kurdistan regional of Iraq. As a Kurdish I have concentrated on the field of genocide and expressed it through my art works.





2015 - Master Degree (MA) in Art & Process Crawford College of Art and Design CIT, Cork, Ireland

2013 - Bachelor Degree (BA, Hons) in Fine Art Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), Galway. Ireland

2011 - Bachelor Degree (BA, OD) in Art & design Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), Galway, Ireland

2002 - Diploma Degree (Taught) in Fine Art Institute of Fine Art, Erbil, Kurdistan Iraqi region.



Solo Art Exhibitions


  • 2019 – 8 the Solo art exhibition “ MEMORY OF THE SAND” Erbil, Kurdistan parliament Building.
  • 2011 - 7th Solo art Exhibition “Humans Collage”

 Part of Galway Fringe Festival at Claddagh Hall, Galway City. Ireland.

  • 2010 - 6th art Exhibition. “Colour of Rain”

GMIT  Art College, Galway, Ireland.

  • 2008 - 5th Solo art Exhibition ‘Green- Island’

 part of Waterford Imagine art festival Waterford City Centre Library, Ireland.

  • 2005 - 4th art Solo Exhibition “The Shadow of Anfal Passage,

 Installation Erbil National park Kurdistan Iraqi Region.

  • 2004 - 3rd Solo art Exhibition “Fear”

. Erbil Art College hall, Kurdistan, Iraqi Region.

  • 2004 - 2nd art Solo Exhibition “Satellite Technology Communication”

Installation in Erbil Art College Hall, Kurdistan, Iraqi Region.

  • 2003 -1st Solo art Exhibition “Experimental”,

Kurdistan Erbil Medea Gallery, Kurdistan, Iraqi Region.


Group Art Exhibitions


  • 2016 - Participated a group art exhibition( Looking East ) an exhibition with Artists Abeer Bajandouh                     Darcy Heuser Ahmed Nasir  14th of April 2016 in NCAD, Dublin, Ireland 
  • 2016 - Participated in a video art group exhibition ( Intangible form) with ARTISTS

CIANA FITZGERALD - KEVIN O’KELLY - NAOIMH NI LUANAIGH - OLIVIA SPARROW - National College of art and design, NCAD  at the Diageo building Dublin, 8 Thursday 28 April, 6 - 8.

  • 2016 - Participated Art Dubai. RCA Secret Dubai is an postcard exhibition
  • 2016 - International Group Art exhibition, PIXELS OF IDENTITIES - THE BODY LANGUAGE Bogotá
  • BAC Gallery, Bogotá (Colombia): January 21, jaunary,2016
  • 2015 - “Conflict and Hope”, participation in a group exhibition at The Nour Arts festival, Ismaili centre, London. 31/10/2015
  • 2014 - at the MA a group Exhibition. The Day Came Fat at the CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery, Cork
  • 2014 - Annual group exhibition by students of the MA in Art & Process (MA:AP) at CIT Crawford College of Art & Design.
  • 2013 - Ink on Paper, Group Print Exhibition, London.
  • 2012 - Group Print Exhibition National University of Ireland, Galway City, Ireland.
  • 2008 - Group Exhibition, “Port Gallery” Waterford City, Ireland.
  • 2007 - Kurdish Art & Culture Group from Iraq to UK, organized by ArtRole Contemporary Arts Organization. The event took place in London and Yorkshire between the 16th and the 28th of February at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Serpentine Gallery, Ferens Gallery, Life Arts Development Agency, Royal College of Art, Slade School of Art and SOAS.



 زامۆا دارۆغا

Zamoa Darokha 



 گەیلان عەبدۆڵا  

Gailan Abdullah 



ھێمن حەمید

Hemin Hamed



پێشەوا محمود

Ppeshawa Mahmood 




دڵشاد کێستەیی

Dlshad Kestay 




سامی موئمین 

Sami Muemin 




ڕێبوار سەعید

Rebwar Saed 





بەشدار نووری

Bashlar Noree




ئالان فەتاح 

Alan Fatah





ئومێد سەعید مستەفا (میرۆ)

Omed Saed 

لە دایک بووی هەولێر ١٩٧٨
دبلۆم لە هونەری شێوەکاری ٢٠٠١ هەولێر
بەکالۆریۆس لە هونەری شێوەکاری ٢٠٠٨
مامۆستا لە پەیمانگەی هونەرەجوانەکان- هەولێر




دلێر محمد شەریف

Dler Mohammad Sharif




ئاری بابان

Ary Baban 




کامیران خەلیل 

Kamiran Kalil




 Kamiran Khalil, born in Aleppo 1986
Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Damascus - Syria 2009
Graduted from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Berlin - Germany
Solo exhibitions:
‎ - "With Illusions" exhibition, Lawrence, Berlin - Germany -
‎ - Rings Gallery of Art and Jewelry - Beirut - Lebanon -
Art House Gallery - Damascus - Syria -
‎ 2020 - Berlin - Germany Azimut Gallery Gallery -
‎ 2019 - Berlin "Erde der Fremden" FPS Exhibition -
‎ - Konstalin Sandviken Gallery - Sweden -
Berlin School of Fine Arts - UK Tour - Rundgang - Berlin (Germany)
‎ - Modern and Contemporary Middle East Auction - Beirut - Lebanon
‎ Tajalliyat Gallery - Women in Al Ain - Beirut - Lebanon -
Art Center - Artists from Syria and Bahrain - Manama - Bahrain 2010
The National Library - Midway - Damascus - Syria
‎ The French Cultural Center - Faculty of Fine Arts graduates exhibition 2009 - Damascus - Syria
The Springs Exhibition in Khan Asaad Pasha - Old Damascus - Syria 2007



ھۆشیار ڕەشێد

Hoshyar Rasheed




شەماڵ سەعدوڵا 

Shamal Sadulla




ئاودێر عوسمان

Awder Osman




ئاراس کەریم 

Aras Kareem 




یوسف سۆری

Yosif Sorie




ئاریان ئەبوبەکر 

Aryan Abubaker




بەشار عیسا

Bashar Easa

1950. Hassaka 

الفنان التشكيلي الكردي بشار العيسى مقيم ويعمل في فرنسا ــ يعرض منذ العام 1972.ــ مواليد 1950 غنامية - الحسكة - سوريا. يحمل اجازة في التاريخ ـ متخصص في التاريخ العثماني.ــ عمل في ادارة تحرير مجلة المنبر الصادرة من باريس ـ الثقافية السياسية مابين عامي 1987 ـ و 1992 .ــ كتب ويكتب في السياسة والبحث التاريخي والنقد الفني التشكيلي.ــ نشر عن أعماله الفنية كتابان بالفرنسية: ـ بشار: طريق الحرير. عن سوسيتيه جنرال ـ باريس. ـ بشار: الفضاءات المحترقة. عن غاليري غي كريتيه ـ باريس .

The kurdish Plastic artist Bachar Al Issa, who lives and works in France - has been on display since 1972. - Born in 1950 Ghanameya - Al Hassaka - Syria. He holds a BA in History - specializes in Ottoman history. Worked in the editorial administration of Al-Manbar Magazine issued from Paris - Cultural and Political Between 1987-1992. He wrote and writes on politics, historical research, and artistic criticism. He published two books on French artwork: Bashar: The Silk Road. On behalf of Societe Generale - Paris. Bashar: Burning spaces. About Guy Crete Gallery, Paris.




عه بدین مستافا

Abdin Mustafa 



هونەرمەند عەبدین مستەفا لەبارەی ئەزموونی هونەرییەوە دەڵێت: "خەیاڵ زاڵە بەسەر مێشکماندا!! هەوڵە ئەبستراکتەکانی من لە کارە هونەرییەکانمدا ئەوە بوو کە خەیاڵی هێزەکەی لە مێشکی ژێر ئاگاییدا بسڕمەوە لە ڕێگەی ڕەنگێکی ناکۆک و ڕکابەری جوانکارییەوە بەسەر بۆشایی سپیدا."
عەبدین مستەفا هونەرمەندێکی بینراوی کوردە کە لە ساڵی ۱۹٦۱ لە دیمەشق لەدایکبووە (ڕەگەکەی سەر بە شاری عەفرینە - گوندی چێنگلی) کە لە هۆڵەندا نیشتەجێیە.
- دەرچووی سەنتەری ئەدهەم ئیسماعیل بۆ ھونەرە جوانەکان ۱۹۸۶ - دیمەشق - سوریا.
- ئەندامی یەکێتی هونەرمەندانی کورد.
- پێشانگای بەهار - ۱۹۸۸ - سەنتەری کلتوری فەرەنسی - دیمەشق - سوریا.
- پیشانگای ساڵانەی دەوڵەت - ۱۹۹۰-۱۹۹۱-۱۹۹۲ - دیمەشق - سوریا.
- فیستیڤاڵی خۆشەویستی و ئاشتی - ۱۹۹۱ - ۱۹۹۲ - لاتەکیا - سوریا.
- پێشانگای بینای شارەوانی - شاری گریۆنێنکن - هۆڵەندا - ۱۹۹۷.
- پێشانگای هیومانیتەس - گریونێنکێن - هۆڵەندا - ۱۹۹۸
ئەکادیمیای مینێرڤا بۆ ھونەرە جوانەکان، Gronenken، Netherland، ۱۹۹۸.
- پێشانگای Beyond Borders - Roden - Netherlands - (2001).
- گەلەری دیوار - گریۆنینگن - هۆڵەندا -۲۰۰۳
- پێشانگای زستانە - ئەلڤین ئەن دێن ڕاین - هۆڵەندا - (200)



The artist Abedin Mustafa says about his artistic experience: "Illusion controls our minds.. !! “And my abstract attempts in my artwork are stripping the illusion of its authority in the subconscious mind through conflicting and aesthetically competing colors on the white space.”
Abdin Mustafa is a Kurdish visual artist born in Damascus 1961 (his roots belong to Afrin city - Chanchalli village) - residing in the Netherlands.
- Graduate of Adham Ismail Center for Fine Arts 1986 Damascus - Syria.
- Member of the Union of Syrian Visual Artists.
Exhibitions :
- Spring Exhibition - 1988 - French Cultural Center - Damascus - Syria
- Annual State Fairs - 1990-1991-1992- Damascus - Syria.
-Love and Peace Festival - 1991 - 1992 - Latakia - Syria.
- Municipal Hall Exhibition - Khronenken City - Netherlands - 1997.
- Humanitas exhibition - Khronenken - Netherlands - (1998).
- Exhibition of Minerva Academy of Fine Arts - Khronenken - Netherlands - (1998).
- Beyond Borders Exhibition - Roden - Netherlands - (2001).
- Wall Gallery - Khronenken - Netherlands - (2003)
- Winter Exhibition - Alvin on den Rhein - Netherlands - (2004).
- GROUP EXHIBITION - AMSTERDAM - THE Netherlands - (2008).
- GROUP EXHIBITION - Arnheim - Netherlands - (2010).
- Chengal Tragedy Exhibition - Hannover - Germany (2019).
- Group exhibition with Color Art - Crefield - Germany (2021).
- A group exhibition under the auspices of the Kurdish Institute - Municipal Palace - Paris - France(2023).
His works are acquired in Syria, Italy, Germany, Spain, Chile, France, United States of America and Netherlands.



ڕەمزی قوتەبەدین 

Ramzi Qutbadein




ئیبراھیم عەلی

Ibrahim Ali

1980 Shingal 




ڕوستەم عەزیز 

Rostam Aziz





Ba Haiden


Images are like a beautiful day in color, rare color.
Without constraints, without desire, without authority, simply revolutionary.
Bahaiden lives and works in Mannheim. He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Heidelberg European art history. M.A
He takes part in various group since 1985 exhibitions in different countries. In Turkey, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Japan, USA, Bulgaria, Morocco, China, Hungary, Ukraine, Italian, Moldova, Tunesien, Bangladesch, Australian, Venezuela, France and Switzerland.
* 2007 - 2010 Studies Contemporary Chinese Art since 1989 in Beijing and Shanghai. * 2007 - 2010 Studied Romance Studies (Spanish Literature)
* 2007 - 2013 Studies East Asian Art History.
* 2007 - 2013 Studied European Art History.
* 2007 - 2013 Studies Islamic Studies.
Internationaler Artist der UNESCO
*1990 Price in Graphic Art
*2010 Founded Avesta art Award member *2013 Art Award Egypt
*2014 Art Award Doha
*2014 Art Award Egypt
*2014 Art Award Kurdistan / Irak
*2015 Art Award Morocco
*2016 Art Award Muskat / Oman
*2017 Art Award Muskat / Oman
*2018 Art Award Sfax / Tunesien
*2019 Art Award Tunis / Tunesien
*2023 Art Award LU / BASF Germany
Artistic activities:
*2007 - 2011 Employee at the Kunstverein Mannheim. *2014 - 2016 Curator at the commerzbank Mannheim. *2015 - 2016 Curator at Kunstraum P7,4 Mannheim. *2016 Curator in Langkawi Art Biennale, Malaysia.

Individual exhibitions and projects
Member of the Mannheimer Kunstverein, German artists and international artists of UNESCO. Selected exhibitions and projects 1988-2024
1988 Museum Of Art Sulaymaniya (Irak) 1994 Kulturzentrum in Istanbul (Türkei)
1994 Art Institut in Ankara (Türkei)
1994 Evrensel Kulturzentrum in Izmir (Türkei) 1994 Kulturhaus in Hannover (D)
1994 Stadtbibliothek in Eiskulistuna u. Stockholm (Schweden)
1995 Galerie Modern Art (Irak)
1995 Roman Kunstgalerie, Istanbul (Türkei) 1996 Evrensel Kulturzentrum in Izmir (Türkei) 1996 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D) 1996 Rathausgalerie, Achern (D)
1996 Südwindgalerie, Freiburg (D)
1996 Kulturhaus, Mannheim (D)
1997 Camue Art Galerie, Bad Dürkheim (D)
1997 Stadtbibliothek, Freiburg
1997 Karlstrohbahnhof Galerie,Heidelberg (D)
1997 Stadtbibliothek, Odensee (Dänemark)
1999 Galerie im Forum, Mannheim (D)
2000 Prinz Medienhaus, Mannheim (D)
2000 Galerie Rita Luna, Madrid (Spanien)
2000 Le temps qui vient, Genf (Schweiz)
2000 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D)
2001 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2001 Scherensache Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2002 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2003 Galerie Orffeo Studio, Mannheim (D)
2003 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D)
2003 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2003 Galerie Orffeo Studio, Mannheim (D)
2004 Modern Art Galerie, Chicago, New York (USA)
2004 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2005 Kunstpreis Ausstellung, Bürstadt (D)
2006 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Japan)
2007 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2007 Galerie Universität Heidelberg (D)
2008 Esther Arias Gallery, Barcelona (S)
2008 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Japan)
2009 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim(D)
2009 Galerie Universität Heidelberg (D)
2010 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim(D)
2010 Galerie im Forum, Mannheim (D)
2010 Kawasaki City Museum (Japan)
2010 Yalta, Ukraine,Chisinäu-Moldova
2011 Mannheim. Art Quadrat
2011 Hungary- Nagykanizsa
2011 Croatia
2012 Casa del Arte/ Avesta (D)
2012 Galarie HENRY’s Auktionshaus
2012 Bibliothek Universität Mannheim (D)
2012 Bonifatius Kirche Mannheim (D)
2012 Mannheimer Schlosskirche (D)
2012 Bibliothek Konstanz (D)
2013 Universität Al-minia Ägypten
2013 Gewölbe Galerie Attenhofen (D)
2013 Mannheimer Schlosskirche (D)
2013 Institut für Deutsche Sprache (D)
2013 Yalta, Ukraine
2014 Doha international Art
2014 Bad Zwischenahn International Art
2014 Commerzbank Mannheim ( D)
2014 Museum für Modern Kunst Al-minia Ägypten
2014 National Museum in Sulimanya,Kurdistan 2014 Kunsttempel Kassel ( D)
2014 Au Grain de Sèsame Rabat, Marokko 2014 Langkawi Art biennale, Malaysia
2015 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D) 2015 Kunst@Work Galerie Mannheim(D)
2015 MONTAGE FEIN ART GALLERY, Kuala Lumpur 2015 Matic Art Gallery. Malaysia
2015 Florenz Biennale (Italien)
2016 International Art Festival, China
2016 International Art Forum, Sultanate Oman 2016 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2016 Langkawi Art Biennale, Malaysia
2017 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2017 International Biennale Global Grafik Portugal 2017 International Art Forum, Sultanate Oman 2017 Bait Al Gasham Museum, Sultanate Oman 2018 Aktion Art, Sfax, Tunesien
2018 Kunst@Work Galerie Mannheim(D)
201818th Asien Art Biennale Bangladesh
2018 JAALA International Art Biennale Tokio,Japan 2018 Kunst im Schloss Wertingen (D)
2019 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2020 Kunstverein Germersheimer ( D)
2020 Kunstverein Mannheim ( D)
2021 IV BIENAL DEL SUR VANEZEULA-CARACAS 2021 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2022 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim ( D)
2022 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2022 40 Jahre Kunstverein Germersheim (D)
2022 19th Asien Biennale Bangladesch
2023 ESTA Galerie Sulaimaniyya - Kurdistan
2023 Kunstverein Germersheimer (D)

Individual exhibitions and projects
Member of the Mannheimer Kunstverein, German artists and international artists of UNESCO. Selected exhibitions and projects 1988-2024
1988 Museum Of Art Sulaymaniya (Irak) 1994 Kulturzentrum in Istanbul (Türkei)
1994 Art Institut in Ankara (Türkei)
1994 Evrensel Kulturzentrum in Izmir (Türkei) 1994 Kulturhaus in Hannover (D)
1994 Stadtbibliothek in Eiskulistuna u. Stockholm (Schweden)
1995 Galerie Modern Art (Irak)
1995 Roman Kunstgalerie, Istanbul (Türkei) 1996 Evrensel Kulturzentrum in Izmir (Türkei) 1996 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D) 1996 Rathausgalerie, Achern (D)
1996 Südwindgalerie, Freiburg (D)
1996 Kulturhaus, Mannheim (D)
1997 Camue Art Galerie, Bad Dürkheim (D)
1997 Stadtbibliothek, Freiburg
1997 Karlstrohbahnhof Galerie,Heidelberg (D)
1997 Stadtbibliothek, Odensee (Dänemark)
1999 Galerie im Forum, Mannheim (D)
2000 Prinz Medienhaus, Mannheim (D)
2000 Galerie Rita Luna, Madrid (Spanien)
2000 Le temps qui vient, Genf (Schweiz)
2000 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D)
2001 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2001 Scherensache Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2002 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2003 Galerie Orffeo Studio, Mannheim (D)
2003 Kulturhaus Hohritt, Sasbachwalden (D)
2003 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2003 Galerie Orffeo Studio, Mannheim (D)
2004 Modern Art Galerie, Chicago, New York (USA)
2004 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2005 Kunstpreis Ausstellung, Bürstadt (D)
2006 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Japan)
2007 Avesta Galerie, Mannheim (D)
2007 Galerie Universität Heidelberg (D)
2008 Esther Arias Gallery, Barcelona (S)
2008 Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Japan)
2009 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim(D)
2009 Galerie Universität Heidelberg (D)
2010 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim(D)
2010 Galerie im Forum, Mannheim (D)
2010 Kawasaki City Museum (Japan)
2010 Yalta, Ukraine,Chisinäu-Moldova
2011 Mannheim. Art Quadrat
2011 Hungary- Nagykanizsa
2011 Croatia
2012 Casa del Arte/ Avesta (D)
2012 Galarie HENRY’s Auktionshaus
2012 Bibliothek Universität Mannheim (D)
2012 Bonifatius Kirche Mannheim (D)
2012 Mannheimer Schlosskirche (D)
2012 Bibliothek Konstanz (D)
2013 Universität Al-minia Ägypten
2013 Gewölbe Galerie Attenhofen (D)
2013 Mannheimer Schlosskirche (D)
2013 Institut für Deutsche Sprache (D)
2013 Yalta, Ukraine
2014 Doha international Art
2014 Bad Zwischenahn International Art
2014 Commerzbank Mannheim ( D)
2014 Museum für Modern Kunst Al-minia Ägypten
2014 National Museum in Sulimanya,Kurdistan 2014 Kunsttempel Kassel ( D)
2014 Au Grain de Sèsame Rabat, Marokko 2014 Langkawi Art biennale, Malaysia
2015 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D) 2015 Kunst@Work Galerie Mannheim(D)
2015 MONTAGE FEIN ART GALLERY, Kuala Lumpur 2015 Matic Art Gallery. Malaysia
2015 Florenz Biennale (Italien)
2016 International Art Festival, China
2016 International Art Forum, Sultanate Oman 2016 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2016 Langkawi Art Biennale, Malaysia
2017 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2017 International Biennale Global Grafik Portugal 2017 International Art Forum, Sultanate Oman 2017 Bait Al Gasham Museum, Sultanate Oman 2018 Aktion Art, Sfax, Tunesien
2018 Kunst@Work Galerie Mannheim(D)
201818th Asien Art Biennale Bangladesh
2018 JAALA International Art Biennale Tokio,Japan 2018 Kunst im Schloss Wertingen (D)
2019 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2020 Kunstverein Germersheimer ( D)
2020 Kunstverein Mannheim ( D)
2021 IV BIENAL DEL SUR VANEZEULA-CARACAS 2021 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2022 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim ( D)
2022 Casa del Arte/ Avesta. Mannheim ( D)
2022 40 Jahre Kunstverein Germersheim (D)
2022 19th Asien Biennale Bangladesch
2023 ESTA Galerie Sulaimaniyya - Kurdistan
2023 Kunstverein Germersheimer (D)

Catalog and Publication:
2002 catalog for Cultural Affairs City of Mannheim. 2007 catalog University of Heidelberg.
2009 Catalogue Raumgestalltung city of Ludwigshafen. 2010 Foundation Avesta Art Prize.
2012 catalog University of Mannheim
2014 Catalog Nations in peace city of Mannheim.
2015 Catalog Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2016 Catalog Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2017 Catalog Ludwig 25, Ungarn.
2018 Catalog ( Cloves ), Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2020 Catalog (Anfal. 182,) Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2020 Catalog ( Mythologie) Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2021 Catalog ( Schwarze Blumen) Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2021 Catalog ( Mihrab) Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2021 Catalog ( 151 Days) Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.
2022 Catalog Word and Shadows.
2022 Catalog Ein Hafen zwischen Wesen und Seele.
2023 Catalog Heimatgedächtnis Kurd Sat & Avesta Casa del Arte, Mannheim.





حسێن کاکەیی

Hoessain Kakayi 




محمد سالیح موسا

MMohammad Saleh Muse


The late Kurdish visual artist Mohammed Saleh Musa
- Born in Qamishli in 1953.
- Vacation in Fine Arts / Photography Department / University of Damascus - 1978
- Participate in a number of art exhibitions:
- Personal / Canvas Exhibition - 1985
- Private Exhibition / Damascus - 1989
- Syrian Qatar Artists Exhibitions for the years 1978-1993
- Joint Exhibition / Aleppo - 1980
- Joint Exhibition / Damascus - 1991
- Uprising Exhibition / Damascus 89 - 90 - 1991
Mushroom Artists Exhibition / Aleppo 1990
- Love and Peace Festival Exhibition / Latakia 1992
- Sharjah Biennial Exhibition - 1997
Emirates Association of Visual Artists Exhibition / Abu Dhabi 1997
- The seventeenth exhibition of the artists of the Emirates Visual Association / Sharjah Museum / 1998
- Member of the Union of Syrian Visual Artists.
- A member of the Emirates Fine Arts Association



زوھیر حەسئب

Zuhair Hassib




                نوورەدین جاف 
            Noor Al-Din Jaf
Nooriden Jaf
Noor Al-Din Jaf. Visual Artist, Writer and Art Follower
From Kirkuk. A natural painter
I paint abstract art
Exhibition of abstract art
1992 and a private exhibition in 2005
Currently, I write articles and artistic topics in newspapers, magazines and other websites
My experience with abstract art
Abstract art is a type of visual art that goes beyond expressing the world through realistic photography, and instead focuses on expressing ideas and feelings through lines, shapes, colors and unrealistic compositions. Abstract art aims to free the artist from traditional realism and to motivate the audience to interpret and absorb the artwork in multiple and personal ways.
Abstract art relies on experimenting and exploring the concepts of color, shape, balance and movement without committing to realistic representation. Abstract art expresses the extent of the artist's imagination and creativity, allowing for a variety of interpretations and meanings for the artwork that depend on each person's interaction with it based on their personal experiences and artistic sense.  The styles and techniques used in abstract art are diverse, providing a wide scope for creative expression and innovation in the artistic field.





ئاسۆ ئاسۆ 

 Osso Osso


Born in Hasakah in 1982.


Member of the Austrian Artists Association

He participated in many exhibitions in Damascus, Beirut and European countries and settled in Austria.


The artist Osso presents in his paintings and art a rich store of memories that he lived and summarized them in paintings that deserve to stand in front of them and appreciate the noble and veteran art in aesthetic and plastic presentation


Hunermendê Kurdê Sûrî Osso Osso di sala 1982an de li bajarê Hesekê ji dayîk bûye.


Endamê Komeleya Hunermendên Avusturya

Li Şam, Beyrût û welatên Ewropayê beşdarî gelek pêşangehan bû û li Avusturyayê bi cih bû.


Hunermend Osso di tablo û hunera xwe de depoyek zengîn ji bîranînên ku jiyaye pêşkêş dike û wan di tabloyên ku heq dikin li ber wan rawestin û di pêşkêşkirina estetîkî û plastîk de pesna hunera hêja û kevnar binirxîne.








لوقمان سەلام 

 Lukman Salam 

‎ - دهۆک -1964
‎دەرچووی کۆلێژی هونەرەجوانەکانە لە بەغدا - عێراق
‎مامۆستا لە پەیمانگای هونەرەجوانەکان لە دهۆک - کوردستان، عێراق







ئمران یونس

Imran Younis


Writers Anna Wallis-Thompson and Zeina Assaf wrote about the experience of visual artist Imran Younis:


"With the intensity and intensity that have become characteristic of his style, Imran Younis expresses the suffering of Syria vividly. His works, which are full of horrific scenes of corpses, coffins and amputated limbs, and are shrouded in fear and terror, trace the symbols and brutality of war in a heart-wrenching way. The horrific details are presented in charcoal over layers of acrylic, as a kind of powerful response - and social critique - to the world around him, through his use of recurring elements of hellish dogs, prickly cacti and slices of red watermelon."


Born in Hasakah in 1971, Kurdish-Syrian visual artist Imran Younis received his BA and MA degrees from the Department of Photography at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus University. His works have been critically acclaimed at home and abroad, and he still resides in Damascus.








دیلان عەبدین

Dylan Abdin


Artist Dylan Abedin Amin.. Biography

Born in 1982 / Kirkuk / Iraq
Teacher of art
Graduate of Faculty of Fine Arts / University of Mosul 2005
The first personal exhibition in Mosul 2005
The second personal exhibition (Kashla Hall) Kirkuk 2007
The third personal exhibition (Kashla Hall) Kirkuk
Calier Zamoa / Sulaimaniyah 2009-2010
Fourth Solo Exhibition (Chander Caleri) Erbil 2014
A conceptual presentation entitled (Debate of Levels) Kirkuk 2020

Joint exhibitions from 1999 - 2020
(Kirkuk - Mosul - Baghdad - Erbil - Sulaimaniyah - Kuwait - Duhok - Egypt - Netherlands - Kuwait - London)

Poet and writer Marwan Yassin Al-Dilimi, writes an essay on what the artist Dylan writes of contradictory relationships between the elements of the artwork he produces, and these paragraphs are extracted from it:

(An important aspect of Dylan’s experiment is that her constructive space creates a mutually complex and rebellious clash, between various forms of drawing and sculpture, and between reality and artistic experience, especially that it doesn’t gamble on establishing a common relationship with the things we deal with in our daily lives, and always prompts us to escape) In the context of our collective responses, and to celebrate the individual sense of receiving, and perhaps the experience between the sender and the receiver in his works draws closer to shock, which is not achieved in traditional works of art.

The artist intended to release his imagination in reorganizing ready-made and consumed components in the environment that in its functional dimension does not have any diversity in interpretation, and is no longer of useful benefit to humans. It was destined to go to the landfill or to become a bowl for waste like metal barrels used by Abdin, except the artist He sees other functions in her that we don't see, and if her expressive relationship with time is reformulated according to a formative system based on a system of interactive relationships in her artistic structure, it will take her out to a space of conscious poems, thus appearing in a level of complex artistic composition, associated with an mutual relationship with space, and what the artist Abedin presents According to this perspective, the understanding of consumed things is included in their significance and in their functional capacity. He took it out into the area of the unfamiliar, and broke its iconic circle, according to what he created in it of holes and distortions, and colored spaces, and then released them into diverse spaces, which resulted in a charge of visual excitement, which did not deny leading to the trace of its significance. ).